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 01/12/2008 New rules coming concerning rights of European customers
 07/02/2008 NordVision and Paysite Cash Receive the PCI DSS Certification
 1/1/2008 Paysite Cash whishes you an excellent new year 2008...
 21/05/2007 New offer : a dedicated merchant account for each customer
 1/12/2006 Non EU bank transfers fees are getting lower
PAYSITE CASH Secure Credit Card Payments  

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Secure Payment

You are the owner of a website, and you are looking for a secure and cheap solution that would enable you to efficiently accept online credit-card processing?

You are looking for an efficient, adaptable and secure solution for online credit-card processing? Paysite Cash's solutions are made for you, no matter if you are selling services, goods, or subscriptions.

Paysite Cash is a secure payment and shared affiliation platform as there are few on the market.

This is a complete solution, from the quick installation using an easy-to-use HTML button to the most advanced tools for developers with a complete integration to your back-office and even free e-shop plugins.

Paysite Cash offers simply the most advanced and secure online payment and shared affiliation solution, and has become in two years the most widely used solution in Europe.

Moreover, if you wish to use the « Affiliation » solution, Paysite Cash offers you the possibility to rely on an existing network of affiliates, whose remuneration percentage you can set up individually, and for each on of your websites, all being linked with our credit card processing system.


You are a webmaster and would like to make your traffic profitable using quality affiliations.

Paysite Cash has developed for you a highly secure platform and selected quality websites.

Paysite Cash is the only affiliation platform that proposes you an affiliate ID-s tracking system without cookies, thus guarantying 0 loss of your ID-s.

Moreover, you will earn money for all the purchases made by the same client.

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Registred Merchant access
E-Commerce compatible solutions
Compatible Video-conference Solutions
Remote stats compatible solutions
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Key figures
Active merchants : 969
Active sites : 1225
Active affiliates : 1583
Acceptance ratios
Accepted transactions : 78 %
Accepted rebills : 86 %
Chargebacks ratio : 0.35 %
Servers availability :

Les sites certifiés par HACKERSAFE empêchent plus de 99.99% des crime
de piratages.
Legal information
Copyright © 2003-2008 Paysite Cash