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Dear merchants,
I have the pleasure to present you a new technical tool that will satisfy a large number of our merchants.
At the request of many of you, our technical team has developed a cardholders blacklist management by website.
This tool allows blocking with a simple click all unwanted customers on each website.
An option to inform our Customers Service is also available. We recommend you to use it if the cardholder is a high-risk person.
You will find the configuration interface by clicking on «Configuration », then you select the website and to finish «Cardholders blacklist configuration».
Our technical service is at your entire disposal and will answer to all your questions regarding this new tool. Do not hesitate to contact them on our new Support Centre at the following address: http://helpdesk.paysite-cash.biz
Have a nice day.
Best regards.
Marketing/Sales Direction of Paysite Cash, a division of NordVision
Phone: +33 1 80 89 51 82