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Dear Merchants,
After implementing the « SMS verification » since two years, a function that we are the only ones to offer, we are glad to announce you the release of the « Phone verification » function for your websites.
The main idea of this function is the same as for the « SMS verification »: a SMS code is given to the cardholder in order to validate and finish a transaction. The difference is that for the « Phone verification », the code is transmitted to the cardholder in his own language through a phone call on any phone number.
The biggest advantage of the « Phone verification » is that it allows recuperating cardholders from countries where the SMS are not received or the clients without a mobile phone (with the « Phone verification », calls are generated on mobile but also on fix phones).
If you are already using the « SMS verification », I advise you to also use this new function.
The cardholders are verified once every three months. The conversion loss is minimum but the protection against chargebacks increases, as in the case of the « SMS verification ».
You can activate this new function in the General Parameters of your website, « SMS/Phone verification option » by clicking on « Cardholders validation by Phone». Bellow you will also find here the prices (by country) for the sending of the codes.
You can also activate the two functions, « Phone verification » and « SMS verification », letting the cardholder to choose the option he wants on the payment page.
Our Commercial Service is at your disposal in order to answer your questions regarding this new function. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 00 33 8 70 44 69 10.
Have a nice day.
Best regards.
Marketing/Sales Direction of Paysite Cash, a division of NordVision
Phone: +33 1 80 89 51 82