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Dear Merchants,
As you probably know, our technical teams are working continuously in order to improve our services, our products and the tools you are using.
Being the leader in France in the credit card processing solutions domain, our objective is to approach the top few at European level.
In order to reach this goal, we translate our payment pages and the related tools (cardholder support pages, etc.) in the main European languages. These pages already exist in French, English, Italian and Romanian and now we have the pleasure to announce their translation in Spanish.
We will make you benefit from the European development because the integration of these new languages will help you exploit new markets and considerably raise your sales.
After the Spanish language, we will integrate soon the German language. We will keep you informed about this new feature.
Important Technical Remark
Attention! If your website is using our “Open Members", members’ management agent, in order to activate the new languages, you have to configure the user name/password confirmation email in these new languages. If not, your clients will receive an empty email.
Our Sales Department is at your entire disposal at + 33 8 70 44 69 10 or at + 1 302 261 5703 in order to all help you develop your European business and to find new opportunities.
In order to obtain extra information regarding the integration of these new languages, you can also contact our Technical Support at this following address: http://helpdesk.paysite-cash.com
Have a nice day.
Best regards.
Marketing/Sales Direction of Paysite Cash, a division of NordVision
Phone: +33 1 80 89 51 82