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PAYSITE CASH Secure Credit Card Payments
Alternative solutions
Paysite Cash is the only solution to offer you alternative payment solutions for your websites in addition to the credit card payment.
By installing alternative payment solutions on your website, you will be able to get back all the clients who do not have a credit card and that you would have lost otherwise and most of all, you will be able ot offer an alternative to all those clients still reluctant to use their credit card on the Internet..
Moreover, in case a client cannot use his card on your website for whatever reason (e.g. insufficient funds), you can automatically offer him those alternatives.
Our statistics have shown that merchants having installed those alternative solutions have increased their turnover by 15% to 30%.
Our alternative offer:
• Wire transfer processingAllows your clients to pay by wire transfer. Our solution allows local wire tranfers in many countries, which makes it even easier for clients.
• Check processing (France and other countries)
Allows your clients to pay by checks. Option for chargeback insurance, verification with the "Banque de France" (stolen checks...) for french checks.
• Cash processing (France)
Allows your clients to pay by cash. Cash deposit on french postal account.
• Wire transfer dispatching
Allows company that do not have the required tools to send us BATCH files to process their wire transfers to repay their affiliates (for instance). Also allows companies that are not in the EU to benefit from reduced EU fees (fixed costs without intermediate bank fees) as well as fast delays for receivers.
Our Commercial Department is at your service (tel: 01 80 89 51 81, short distance call for France) to develop your project together and answer all your questions.
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