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PAYSITE CASH Secure Credit Card Payments

Why choose Paysite Cash's payment solution?

1. Commercially:

  • The best prices: the best returns on the market of credit card payment solutions.
  • No implementation charges or monthly subscription (excluding "secure +" offer and offers with merchant account).
  • VAT not taken from source.
  • A Commercial Service at your disposal to develop your projects.
  • A dedicated project manager at your disposal to monitor your account.
  • Technical assistance.
  • A very efficient Helpdesk to answer your questions.
  • Complete documentation to easily integrate credit card payments on your sites.
  • A merchant's backoffice with detailed statistics, and full transparency on transaction details.
  • Services and products that evolve depending on our customers' wishes.
  • Payments 4 times a month by wire transfer.
  • Management and payment of your affiliates.

2. Technically:

  • Network of banking partners in France: 25 to 30% more cards accepted compared to competing solutions, Credit Card, E Credit Card, Amex, JCB accepted.
  • 1-click payment system to obtain conversion ratios up to 5 times higher than if using a payment via electronic wallet with account creation.
  • A system compatible with many platforms, PHP, ASP, Java, .NET...
  • Possible customization of the CB entry form allowing seamless integration and therefore higher conversion ratios.
  • You can also use SSL payment forms, totally customizable by templates in white label (exclusive product).
  • Confirmation of transactions by secure postback.
  • Agent for member management by .htaccess/.htpasswd.
  • Free integration to Paysite Cash's affiliation offer (sell more through your affiliates...).
  • Subscriptions management with the possibility of trial offers.
  • Installation completely free of charge, all options and tools are free.
  • Install Paysite cash's payment solution in 1 click in the best shops! Paysite Cash's payment solution is already included in shops such as osCommerce, Zen Cart, osDate, Sitodi, PMP, Virtuemart, Boutikone...
    See all compatible solutions.
  • Many tools and advanced features.

3. Very high added value services:

  • Ultra-efficient anti-fraud detection systems: point of sale fraud detection and alerts, post payment analytics for merchants
  • A set of free tools to dramatically reduce chargeback rates on high risk sites.ser
  • A verification system of the cardholder by SMS or by phone which validates the identity of the card holder.
  • High availability of payment services (99.9% uptime).
  • Cardholder claims management: Paysite Cash manages cardholder claims for you.
  • Chargeback recovery: Paysite Cash takes care of the recovery of possible chargebacks on transactions for you
  • Safeguarded payments mean your money is secure
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financial agreement NET vigie MasterCart. SecureCode. Verified by Visa PCI certified