A trustworthy payment institution to meet your needs. Low rates, 24 hours approval. The European payment specialists: direct merchants accounts, 3rd party processing, local payments, EU affiliate payouts. Full security using a PCI:DSS level 1 platform.
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News and press releases

PAYSITE CASH Secure Credit Card Payments

Secured payment merchant's demo

Customer's secured payment page

Intuitive form filling.

Complete Bank Account form customization of your website for maximum customers reassurance.

High security with SSL 128 bits.

Merchant's area


Quick stats , news, modules download, and documents.

Popup alerts in case of a pending transactions or dequeue errors;

Profile page

Setup your bank information, SMS to get transactions alerts.

Merchant's area : setups

Gestion des sites

Listing des sites web configurés sur la plate forme.

Accueil menu CB

Screenshots of general access menu for all parameters for Bank Account for each website.

Global website parameters

On this screenshot, all the main options for a website.

Payment URL generator

In 3 clicks you can generate your payment URL or directly generate your HTML button to insert into yoru website.

Merchant's area : statistics

Sales statistics

Par site vous avez accès à vos ventes, par jour, par mois, par année. Montant brut encaissé, commissions Paysite Cash, reversements affiliés et net disponible.

Traffic statistics

Par site vous avez accès à toutes les informations nécessaires pour contrôler la conversion de votre trafic.

Listing of Bank Account transactions

You have access to all the information concerning your transactions, fraud prevention results, references and information about your clients. Paysite Cash is completely transparent on the refusal reasons, the error messages are transmitted.

Payments listing

You have access to all payments in Paysite Cash, as well as all the invoices associated. The reserves are also showed with the credit futures on the account, as well as a summary of incomes including the last payment.

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financial agreement NET vigie MasterCart. SecureCode. Verified by Visa PCI certified