A trustworthy payment institution to meet your needs. Low rates, 24 hours approval. The European payment specialists: direct merchants accounts, 3rd party processing, local payments, EU affiliate payouts. Full security using a PCI:DSS level 1 platform.
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PAYSITE CASH Secure Credit Card Payments

Secure +

Aimed at companies that already have a merchant account in a French or Spanish bank.

You already have your own merchant account?
Take advantage of our expertise by using our securing offer.

  • Merchant account connexion: 200 €
  • Monthly fee for the merchant account's connection maintenance: €50
  • cost per transaction: €0.3

Direct bank transfers

You have access to all our commercial services and technical tools:

  • SSL payment forms, totally customizable by templates in white label (exclusive product).
  • Ultra-efficient anti-fraud measures: Pre-payment fraud detection and post-payment analysis, as well as a system of merchant alerts
  • A set of free tools to divide chargeback rates by 10 on "risky" websites..
  • An editor's interface with detailed statistics, and full transparency on transaction details. (cardholder's country, bank's name, bank's country...).
  • Cardholder verification system using SMS/phone (each SMS sent costs €0.15).
  • High availability of payment services (99.9% uptime).

Available banks:


Contact us for any project involving a bank outside France and Spain.

Our Commercial Department is at your service (tel: + 33 1 80 89 51 89) to develop your project together and answer all your questions.
Copyright © 2003-2012 Paysite Cash
financial agreement NET vigie MasterCart. SecureCode. Verified by Visa PCI certified